Grant Cardone: 20 years, I’ve been trying to find out what my problems were. 25 to 45. I had been put on ADD drugs, lithium. I was prescribed all this garbage. I didn’t want to be on more drugs. I asked him, I said, “You guys do drugs here? I mean, you give drugs?”
“No, no, no. We don’t like drugs, but we like to listen. We build programs to solve your problems, to get rid of your reactive mind.” I went in there, they built this little program for me, dude, and I was blown away. It literally started solving my problems immediately. So far, 15 years now, I’ve used their courses, their books, and their counseling to improve every single area of my life. My finances, I’ve always wondered what’s going on in my mind that’s keeping me from my finances. There is a connection, right?
It’s helped me not be a work addict, to choose when I work. I could actually work more now. It’s showed me how to handle stress and not have it in my life, like to build a work at the levels I do, to be involved in four or 500 million dollars of deals today, to come… I didn’t know about this interview today.
Brian Rose: Oh really? Okay.
Grant Cardone: I got four or 500 million dollars worth of deals working today. I got seven businesses back in America, and I’m not stressful. I still say, “Oh yeah, we agreed to that. Let’s go do it. I’ll figure it out. I’ll work around it.” I’s helped me in relationships. Okay? It was only when I started doing this that I was able to be satisfied with one woman. Okay? I’ve never cheated on Elena. Never thought about cheating on her. It used to be I couldn’t be with one woman. I couldn’t even imagine having kids. One of the great gifts of my life is having my two kids. I couldn’t imagine doing that. Okay?
Before I started doing this counseling with the Church of Scientology, I had never given any money to anyone ever. Never gave any money. Why? Because I was insecure about money. I couldn’t give even though I had. In the last, I don’t know, two years, we’ve given 20 million and raised over 100. Literally every area of my life, my physical wellbeing is in better shape. That’s all I can say about it.
I know the media, I mean if Donald Trump has made one contribution to the planet, it’s this, fake news. Fake news is fake news because the media does not portray the Church of Scientology or what they do there, the tabloids definitely don’t, in a fair way, because I’ve read all the books, I’ve done all the counseling, none of what the tabloids say is true. I’ve never experienced any of it.
Brian Rose: They get a bad rap, an unfair shake for that stuff?
Grant Cardone: I don’t think it’s about them. I think it’s about every religion. If you were a Christian 800 years ago, they’d cut your head off. They didn’t write about you in the tabloids. They just say, “You’re a Christian?”
Brian Rose: Right.
Grant Cardone: If you were a Mormon 60 years ago, you moved to Philadelphia and said you were a Mormon, they just kept pushing you. The Mormons all ended up in Utah because they just kept basically suppressing them to another land. It’s not about Scientology. It’s about Catholicism. It’s about look at the Jews, dude, I mean.
Brian Rose: It’s just oppressing people that think differently.
Grant Cardone: Oppressing people to say, “Hey, that’s new. That’s not us, go away.”
Brian Rose: Okay. For you, it was the [crosstalk 00:03:50].
Grant Cardone: I’m still a Catholic. I still believe in God. I still believe in… I still follow that message. I still believe in the things that… But I want to figure out, “Hey man, how do I create heaven on earth?”