Vlad: My last question, last time we did an interview, you said that you credit Scientology with a lot of your success.
Grant Cardone: Yeah.
Vlad: What does Scientology tell you right now, and how do you benefit from that?
Grant Cardone: It suggests flourish and prosper, that’s the solution. Take care of yourself, take care of your family. Be ethical, do the right thing, flourish and prosper, make decisions based on what’s the greatest good for the greatest number of people. That’s what gives me the courage every day to like, “What decisions do I need to make that are difficult for me so that we can survive, so that I can bring more people back on board, so I can continue to expand, so I can continue to move currency through the system and do my part?”
We just fed 9,000 families here in that are first responders, nurses, teachers, firemen, or fire departments and police departments, because those guys are on the frontline, wearing masks every day, trying to protect people going to work, serving people they don’t even know. For me to be able to do that, it’s about me making the right decisions every day so that I can continue to give and help out, support the community and do the right thing.
It helps stabilize the environment. Your friend gave you some good, common sense advice that the stock market… The casino will always be open, so they got to keep having stocks. They got to have some winners in there, you know?
Vlad: Right.
Grant Cardone: What I know about this planet is for the short period of time I’ve been on it, dude, it just keeps coming back. People keep coming back. We survive everything. I know that every bad spot I’ve had in my life, as long as I don’t quit, I come back from it. As long as I don’t quit, I won’t fail. Look at my mistakes, drop them, quit doing those, focus on the things I do well. It’s a very common sense approach, a very practical, common sense approach to like, “Hey, what worked last time? What got you out last time? What could you have done last time that you didn’t do that would be better for you and the family next time?”
Vlad: Well, I’m not religious myself, so I really look at all religions with a grain of salt. I try not to really have negative thoughts towards anybody’s personal beliefs. Being a Scientologist yourself and seeing that there’s movies like Going Clear and the negative kind of stereotypes versus Scientologists. I remember when I was first doing research on the type of questions to ask, I’m like, “Okay, what should I ask Grant Cardone?” Then, someone’s like, “He fired his whole staff.” I’m like, “Okay, send me a link.” The link was to an anti-Scientology website.
Grant Cardone: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Vlad: You see what I’m saying? Being this is something that you really believe in yourself, how do you feel about so many people bashing this religion?
Grant Cardone: All new movements get bashed. Look at Jesus, man. Put him on a cross, put him on a cross, put him on a cross, man. Look, they killed 11 million Jews. This is what reactive people do, reactive minds. Reactive mind destroys good things. That’s what I would tell people like, “Okay, why are you watching it?” That’s what I would tell. I wouldn’t even worry about the people that produce the content. I would worry more about the people that read it.
I worry about you sometimes, some of the bullshit you see. I’m like, “What’s wrong with Vlad? He lost his damn mind again.” I know you do that just to produce content for the show because it’s like my friend, Kevin Hart, says, “Grant, negative news travels. Negative news travels, period.” He’s like, “It’s a damn shame, but just negativity travels faster than positivity.”
Vlad: Oh yeah. They say bad news will get around the world and back before the truth will even put on its pants.
Grant Cardone: Yeah, exactly.
Vlad: I just want to say one thing before I let you go. We talked about this a little bit in our last interview about your interview with Jordan Belfort, and how it was somewhat of a train wreck. One thing that I gained from this interview that really honestly has changed my life in terms of how I look at things is when you guys were talking about sales and you said not interested is a form of interest.
Grant Cardone: Yeah.
Vlad: I took a step back and I looked at all the people… Because I get approached by, I don’t know, 100 people a day, “Oh, do this. Do you want to do that? Do you want to advertise here? Do you want to buy this? Do you want to interview this person?” I felt like, just to be polite, I would tell a lot of people, “Thank you. I’ll pass.”
Grant Cardone: Yeah. Yeah.
Vlad: I never realized that I’m actually now giving up my time by even responding to somebody that I have zero interest in. I just stopped responding based on what you said. I just stopped responding to people that I had no interest in giving up my time to, because then you respond to someone, they respond, “Well, why not? Well, let me try to convince you to do this.” Now you’re engaging a person.
Grant Cardone: Yeah, little dum-dum stuck in another freaking …
Vlad: Yeah.
Grant Cardone: He doesn’t understand. For you to tell me you’re not interested is a communication. The fact that we’re having a communication at that moment, we got something. I got something I can work with. All I was trying to tell the audience was look, when the guy says they’re not interested, the girl says she’s not interested, it’s not the right time, that is a response to continue a communication. Because if you just walk away, dude, walking away is terrible. Because now what am I… Go grab your arm? That’s a problem, but that’s not the situation he gave me. Right? You got to be a free thinker and a bit more mature for you to get that. It caught… Yeah.
Vlad: No, no. It really hit me because I realized about how much time I’ve wasted on people that I do not want to have any sort of communication with, so I just stopped responding. I started ignoring people, and it just amazed me how much more time I have by that one little statement that you guys made. It was really kind of mind blowing. I remember me and [inaudible 00:06:40] were on the phone the other day. We haven’t spoken to each other in years. I told him that and he was like, “Oh shit. That’s crazy. I never thought about that.” It’s just very profound, especially people who are very busy and successful, it’s something we don’t think about. That statement right there to me was life changing. I just want to thank you for it.
Grant Cardone: You got it, man. You’re the man. I’m glad some good came out of that.
Vlad: No doubt. No doubt. Grant Cardone, man, congratulations. You guys are good. Thank you for clearing up all the bullshit rumors. I think that’s very important. That’s what we try to do on VladTV and continued success.
Grant Cardone: No, you don’t. Dude, you try to stir it up. You know you try to stir it up, man.
Vlad: I stir it up, but I’m happy for people’s success. I never hate on anybody.
Grant Cardone: No. I know that about you and I appreciate it. I appreciate what you’re doing, man. Keep putting good content out and all you guys out there, man, stay safe. The world is not going to come to an end. If it does, at least be in the game, be on the field.
Vlad: There we go. Until next time, peace.